
Friday, August 23, 2013

Leadership (Ted Talk Response)

"He gave the I have a dream speech not I have a plan." referencing Martin Luther King

I was noticing this morning how the top songs on ITunes seem to follow a pattern.  For example this morning I saw the number one song titled "Roar" by Katy Perry. 

I realized that I had never seen a song that didn't draw on emotions that inspire to be number one.  I also thought of Justin Bieber who became known worldwide seemingly overnight because he had a dream of performing and spreading love through music.  Millions more started following him after watching his movie, an inspiring film of one boy who had a dream and saw it come true.  More recently as he has taken to the lifestyle of wreckless fame he is becoming less and less popular among fans. 
We, as Simon Sinek pointed out, follow inspiration and dream.  Those who embody these two concepts become leaders not just by the title but because they lead with what they believe in and we follow them because we believe it too.  I could name a thousand more examples of this concept including the Blindside, Google, GoPro.  I challenge any reader to write down a list of things they dream of and believe in.  This list should not include schools to attend, people to meet, or money to make.  Those are not beliefs they are things to check off a list. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur I believe the best place to start is to write down all your beliefs of how the world should work.  Then find out how to make it work that way and lastly tell what you found to do it.  The moment you lose the why is the moment you lose those whom you lead. 
My beliefs:
I believe that education should be accessed whenever and wherever you are and that we shouldn't just have to go to school to obtain it. 
I believe that you should have to pass a test about political issues to vote and that everyone should have the opportunity to be educated about the issues of our country.
I believe in free speech even when it is not politically correct.
I believe that racism still exists not only from whites to blacks but from blacks to whites and that it should be stopped.
I believe that business and entrepreneurs will be the only thing to keep our economy alive and suppressing that will put us in a depression unlike any other.
I believe that porn should be outlawed and strictly enforced.
I believe people should be able to see the world easily.
I believe that communication is important and should be available no matter the distance.
I believe that you should be able to state your beliefs and not be told you are wrong because they may hurt someone's feelings.
What are your beliefs? 

Thursday, March 21, 2013


"If your self-worth is built upon anything but your relationship with the Savior you are in trouble." --Hyrum Smith (Franklin Covey Institution)

I find that many people, myself included, base our self-worth of dating, grades, status, and a variety of other temporarily important aspects of our life.  I want to emphasize that this list though temporarily important, are important.  Most of these things are even important eternally, such as finding an eternal companion through dating.  Although, these things are NOT stable.  They are influenced by variables that are out of our control.  Most people who struggle with problems of self-worth do so because they have nothing stable to lean on, or the aspects in their life that they do lean on are constantly changing and disappointing them.

My finance teacher today elaborated briefly on the quote above.  And I thought about the things I have been basing my self-worth on as of lately and knew I was the one that was in trouble.  I made a goal this week to better my relationship with Christ and to lean on him instead.  There is a sense of security that comes with this commitment.  Christ does not change, he is perfect and always will be.  His atonement is everlasting and saves ALL.  It does not fail.  It does not change or disappoint any.  There is always another chance, always love to be given, and always a presence even in the loneliest nights. 

If you are the one that's in trouble find comfort that your self worth can be found on someone who is eternal and forever willing to save. 


Monday, November 21, 2011

"Life is like riding a bicycle to keep balancing you must keep moving."
 --Albert Einstein

This quote is definitely my inspiration today.  I have figured that if I even stop for a moment in life and let go of the things that I have learned and are important to me then life goes down hill.  Therefore I'm going to keep moving and keep trying to be the best I can be!

This week is obviously Thanksgiving and I will be heading up to Montana.  I leave on Wednesday and can hardly wait!  In other news school is going great and hopefully I will be able to hold up my grades through finals.  I am applying for a study abroad to Italy in the spring and hopefully I can pull it all together in time to apply.  Church was wonderful yesterday and going to the Aunt and Uncles was even better.  Donny and Lynde gave me such great direction and now I can't imagine not having them in my life. 

I signed up for the 24 hour fitness down the street which I love so far.  Hopefully I will get to go more than once a week! I've been on a health spree for a while so hopefully my enthusiasm holds up for a while.

Anyways I thought I would end with some things that I am most thankful for...
My wonderful family and all their support
The opportunity to attend such a wonderful university
The gospel and all its wonderful missionaries that change lives including my own
A break from school to be with all my family! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I am finally headed back home tomorrow!  It's going to be a great weekend and I am glad it is finally here.  On top of that Bernie Dieker and Tyson Walker just recently came back from their missions so I am excited to get to see them too! I feel like this trip has been a long time coming and I have changed plans quite a bit.  But either way I'm still very excited to be back in my own bed again.

This week has been a little crazy trying to get all of my tests and assignments done before I leave.  Regardless I have completed it all.  I would like to say that I am learning a lot but my recent addiction to pinterest and stumbleupon have stopped any progress in that direction.  Currently there is no boy news which I find to be a  great blessing right now.  I am thinking about making some big changes soon so we will see how that goes.  I am also very much looking forward to this semester being over and to be heading to Australia for Christmas.

Tonight I am going to the temple which is always a wonderful experience.  Last week at the temple I got to go with Ashley and Rickey who is now at the MTC.  This week I will be going with my ward for the first time...and we are going to the Provo temple so I expect a minimum of a two hour wait. Also tonight the roomies and I are watching Revenge our new favorite show, thanks to my mother.

Anyways can't wait to see everyone this weekend!  

Friday, November 4, 2011

Beautiful Heartbreak - Hilary Weeks - Every Step

Yep I'm Starting a Blog!

Well since everyone and their grandmother already has a blog I figured I should have one too.  But I have more reasons to starting this than just that...since I am now a free woman and live on my own I figured that maybe people from home would appreciate hearing about my life every once and a while.  And if you don't know me well feel free to join in on the fun.  I'll see what I can do to entertain you!